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ძლიერი პროფკავშირი განათლების სისტემის მდგრადი განვითარებისათვის

დაცული უფლებები და ღირსეული შრომითი პირობები-ხარისხიანი განათლების საწინდარია

ძლიერ პროფკავშირს ქმნიან პიროვნულად თავისუფალი დასაქმებულები

ერთად ავამაღლოთ პროფკავშირის როლი დემოკრატიული  სახელმწიფოს მშენებლობის პროცესში

Dear Colleagues,

The Parliament of Georgia approved 2018 state budget. We had no expectation, that public school teachers' economic condition will have been improved in 2018. We were looking forward to the consideration and approval of a draft budget, as we were thinking that the improvement of public school teachers' economic conditions would be sharply raised in the Parliament. Unfortunately, it did not happen and as well as in 2017, the state does not plan to increase teachers ' salary in 2018 too. The parliamentary committee on education, science and culture and the parliamentary majority show full indifferentness to teachers' problems, as well as the Ministry of Finance and the Government. In one word, teachers face-to-face are left in the hard social-economic situation. However, from the Government and from the society periodically is heard various statements and opinions about the raising of the teaching process’ quality. Of course, in this direction, in a number of opinions we agree. They demand a lot from teachers and if teachers raise the issue of the salary increase, demagogy begins at the moment: "successful teachers’ salary is more than 1000 Gel“. Actually, according to the “teacher’s professional development and career advancement“ scheme, in case of passing all levels, the mentor teacher’s maximum salary is slightly higher than 1000 Gel (system has totally 7 mentor teachers).

Also big controversy is about the renewal of teachers' corps, and about the attraction of young teachers. We believe, and many other countries’ experience confirms, that if the school will not have appropriate funding and teachers will not have adequate remuneration, the teaching quality will not be radically improved and no new, strong teachers will come in the system. Perhaps, everyone will agree, that the student with high academic performance, who completes higher education institutions does not begin to work in the school, taking into account the reality that the average salary of budgetary organizations’ employees is 1250 Gel, the average salary in the country is 1090 Gel, and teachers’ average salary is 450 Gel. If we analyze the fact that the teachers’ average age is 51 and profession is in deficits, then such approach from the Government in the coming years will bring the system to the catastrophic condition.

Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia analyzes, the real opportunities of a country budget, we are far from supporting populist statements and opinions, which is activated especially in pre-election period.

Since 2014 Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia has been setting the issue: it should be developed 3-4 year program of the public school teachers' base salary’s gradual increase, that the teachers’ average salary will be equal to the average salary of public sector employees.“ Our requirement has been partially satisfied and in 2015-2016 academic year, the teachers’ base salary has been increased in two stages. The idea is acceptable for the Government, as it is verified at the meetings, but practically nothing has been done in this direction since 2017.

Perhaps, the time has come to start the fight, together, with using various forms of protest, more actively.