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ESFTUG president, Maia Kobkhidze, states that It is unacceptable to criticize a selection commission of regional educational resource center chairpersons.
As said in Maia Kobakhidze’s statement, since the first phase of the commission’s work, various comments have been made regarding the committee's impartiality. Certain personalities have doubts about competency and objectivity of the commission.
For me as one of the members of the commission disbelief in our work is unacceptable as we have thoroughly analyzed the criteria and results of selection process.
The main function of the commission was to interview the candidates who had successfully gone through testing phase. I can freely say that all contestants satisfied job requirements.
We selected the best candidates and if some of them could not fully realize their abilities in practice, it did not happen because of some kind of bias during the interview.
Our main principle was to exclude all possibilities of external interference and bias for political reasons. I think that we reached both of these aims. Also, it is true that all candidates had their own supporters and whenever we selected acting chairs of resource centers, in some cases it triggered dissatisfaction from part of a society.
In regions, where ordinary teachers were selected as chairpersons, criticizers brought an argument, how an ordinary teacher can lead a resource center. We can give many such kinds of examples and we consider this a natural process.
I indicate that every decision of the commission was made objectively, as a result of opinions sharing and discussions, which is documented and can be used as a proof. Therefore we will not share criticism about subjectivity of commission" - Ms Kobakhidze added.