January 27-28, Krakow The International Conference of Education Trade Unions, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz...
80th ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF GERMAN NAZI CONCENTRATION AND EXTERMINATION CAMP AUSCHWITZAn international conference was held in Krakow, Poland, to commemorate the 80th...
The Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC) states that there is no alternative to the European integration. This is the unwavering will of the Georgian people, enshrined in...
On November 26, 2024 the  Conference  of the Euroepan Trade Union Committe for Education (ETUCE) was  officially opened in Budva, Montenegro.During the two&nbsp...
Dear colleagues,In line with our legislation, the trade union is an apolitical, non-governmental organization, which means that we do not join any political parties and interfere...
"Active Civil Society – A Prerequisite for Successful Enlargement of the European Union!" "Social Dialogue – Sharing Best Practices and Experiences for Our Success!" After...
Maia Kobakhidze, the ESFTUG President and a member of the ETUCE committee was participating in the two-day online ETUCE autumn session.On 14-15 October 2013, fifty leaders of...
The Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia (ESFTUG) together with the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and partner education unions is a part of...