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უჩა On November 2 of the current year, the Tbilisi City Court announced the decision - Irene Lomaia's claim, who was illegally released from Tbilisi Kindergarten #209, was fully satisfied. Mrs. Irene was dismissed from the post of coordinator of the economic part on March 21, 2017. She immediately applied to the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgian (ESFTUG). The legal department studied the case and prepared the suit which was filed in court.

There were several cases where Irina Lomaia's interests were defended by Grigol Bakuradze, the head of the ESFTUG’s Legal Department. On November 2, Judge Tea Beraia announced a decision that the applicant should be resigned and reimbursed for forced displacement. ESFTUG thanks Mrs. Tea for a fair decision! After the explanation of the parties and interrogation of witnesses was established that the grounds for Irine Lomaia's dismissal did not exist and the director made an illegal decision. According to our information, the respondent party disagrees with the decision and already appealed to the Tbilisi Appeal Court. ESFTUG will protect the rights of the member and intends to continue the dispute including the last instance.