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 On December 8, ESFTUG’s Gurjaani branch organization organized a training on "School Children’s Inclusion" in village Kachreti. The training was attended by 20 teachers of village upper kachreti, village Kachreti, village Melaani and village Arashenda of Gurjaani municipality.

Anastasia Amisulashvili, the trainer of the Center for Professional development of Employees in Educational Institutions was leading the seminar.

The aim of the training is to educate teachers about the inclusive teaching elements in the learning process so that children can get adequate knowledge and skills to adapt to the environment where they spend some time.

Anastasia Amisulashvili provides participants with video material, along with theoretical material, to develop practical skills. The teachers are familiar with the approaches, methods, and the styles of teaching that are necessary in the inclusive education process.

The Educators and Scientists Trade Union of Georgia continues to take care of the qualification of the employees in the educational system.