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   Free-thinking generation for the future success of the free country! We, the children of the world, are the hope of the bright future! International Children's Day, 1 June, Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia, traditionally celebrated with the children. ESFTUG’s Regional / City Organizations have conducted events throughout the country and congratulated the children of the Union members with the Children's Day. "The smile and happy faces of the children are the greatest riches for the state and society. The main task of the older generation is to provide you with a delightful and sustainable life, an environment of education where you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills as much as possible.” With these words ESFTUG’s President Maia Kobakhidze addressed the children at the Mziuri Park, were Union’s member single mothers and mothers with many children with their kids attended the event. Tamar Barisashvili, head of ESFTUG’s Didube-Chughureti branch organization and primary school teachers conducted the poll in the 3rd and 4th grades students of Tbilisi Public School № 24: "What kind of country, school, teacher and family I would like to have?" Interested and multifaceted were the wishes and dreams of children, objective and sincere criticism. I wish: "My teacher would be happy, laughs and sings every day"; "To go to school with pleasure"; "To talk on one topic and work together"; "None of the countries have a weapon and all kinds of weapons become musical instruments"; "To feel support during my opinion’s expression"; "Our country to be regulated and united, to get lost territories"; "Take care of nature, do not waste garbage in the streets, children do not breathe dirty air" "Our country will develop, be better with tolerant society, to help poor people and we have no poor"; "My country would be independent, strong and distinctive"; "Many people know Georgian culture and traditions"; "Our books would not be spoiled, we would have high quality computers, my school would be equipped with new books and laboratories"; "I would like to have great attention from the family, in trouble and in happiness." The slogan of the event was created from the opinions of the children and the logo of the event from the pupil’s drawing - "Unity of the World Children". The dreams and opinions of the children were reflected in a specially designed booklet. Maia Kobakhidze, president of the ESFTUG presented children with "Biblusi" gift cards, with booklets dedicated to International Children's Day and with discount vouchers of the toy shop “Noah's Ark”. At the end of the day, ESFTUG’s president and children cut the cake.