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On 11 March ETUCE-EI president Rony Smith wrote an official letter to the president of Georgia regarding tough situation in ESFTUG, expressing his support towards the Trade Union.
He noted that the relations between ESFTUG and the government of Georgia have been gradually deteriorating since presidential elections of ESFTUG. Educators’ Trade Union is on the verge of losing the essential funding resource - teachers’ membership dues. Mr Smith also added that several former leaders of the organization now stand and fight against the union.
The letter also indicated that a group of former leaders filed a lawsuit to abolish Congress results. Court proceedings will begin on 17 March.
ETUCE doubts that all abovementioned issues are interrelated and various forces inside Georgia are trying to raise public distrust on democratic results of ESFTUG presidential elections – is said in the letter.
ETUCE-EI president expresses his belief that the president of Georgia will take measures to ensure the trade union’s autonomy and transparency of governmental policy towards ESFTUG.
ETUCE-EI is a social partner of EU and represents 12.8 million teachers from 135 trade unions in 45 of European countries.
The letters directed to president of Georgia, Prime-Minister, the Minister of Education and Science, the Minister of Health, Labour and Social Affairs, Education Committee of the Parliament, EU Delegation to Georgia, Education International, International Labor Organization and World Federation of Trade Unions.