inkluzia The Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia, together with the Professional Development Center of the Employees of Georgian Educational Institutions, continue to train and improve the qualifications of their members.
February 3, 2019, a training was held for Kareli district kindergarten employees.
20 participants from five villages (Agara, Breti, Khvedureti, Tsveri, Kareli) attended the seminar.
The training “preschool child inclusion” was led by Anastasia Amisulashvili a trainer of the ESFTUG’s Center for Professional development of Employees in Educational Institutions.
The participants of the training, along with the trainer, create practical and theoretical exercises. Seeing the video makes it easier for them to understand and communicate with those children who need inclusive education.
The above-mentioned seminar is important for special teachers. They will use the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge at their workplaces. 
At the end of the training, all participants were awarded certificates.